Dreaming the Land
Dreaming the Land

Angharad has spent much of her life searching for her native spirituality, delving beneath layers of Christianity and following pathways back to the ancient myth and early poetry of Britain. She has spent the past fifteen years of her career mapping the sense of place of communities the length and breadth of Wales, uncovering their stories, histories, folk culture and the secrets of their landscapes. But, her strongest inspiration comes from journeys across Wales, listening with her feet, dreaming with the land, finding new and old ways of knowing.
A published author and poet, she is a storyteller with a background in history and archaeology. In addition to organising and leading the 'In the Footsteps of the Ancestors' and creating the 'Dreaming the Land' retreats and DADENI, she also works with Mike, Cath and other guest collaborators on day-long story walks and vigils for all ages.

Gwyn is a poet, storyteller and something of a local historian. He's been walking Wales all his life, collecting snippets of traditions and folklore along the way. Over the years he's become something of an expert on the Tylwyth Teg, (the 'Fair Folk') and secretly, we all think he is one, as he seems to get younger every year rather than older!
Gwyn works with Angharad on Dreaming the Land journeys and teaches on the DADENI programme.

Mike is at home in the wilderness of hills and mountains and a background in landscape and art. He joins the Dreaming the Land team in 2022 with a richness of practical experience in logistical support of expeditions and pilgrimages and a wealth of meditation, nature connection, environmental art and deep listening practices in his back pocket.
He will be supporting and enriching day pilgrimages and In the Footsteps of Ancestors expeditions this year with Angharad.

Cath Little is a storyteller and singer drawing inspiration from her Irish and English heritage and from her Welsh home land.
She tells tales and sings songs for the Turning Year in celebration of our Earth and its seasons. She has a rich sense of the magic of stories and of their ability to connect us to one another, leading us gently to a clearer sense of ourselves and our place in the world.
Cath co-creates story walks for grown ups and families with Angharad.

Cadi is Angharad and Mike's border Collie (or rather they are her humans!), who is a central part of the walk and pilgrimage team with the important task of rounding up the herd, keeping us all together, clearing paths of any stick-like trip hazards and protecting us all from sheep and cyclists.
She loves children and grown ups alike, laps up cuddles from all and sundry and is our happy, paddy, waggy companion on many journeys.